Saturday, February 21, 2009


Hopefully in about 4 years I look back at life and realize how important and happy i was that I stayed in school and got a degree. But until then, school sucks. I try to make it as best as I can but sometimes it gets the best of me. Example: about 2 weeks ago, it took me 4 hours to do homework, just for accounting. I could have spend 4 hours: watching 3 episodes of Boondocks, getting a skate session, play some PS2, make a mix cd, eat some tacos, and enjoying a mocha frapucchino. Instead, I had to deal with writing account balances (that I couldn't get to balance right) and writing journal entries that were completely wrong.

As much as I want to stay positive about school, every now and then I just wanna say "fuck it!". However, if I were to drop-out now, it would be the biggest disappointment in my life, no joke. So I guess its best to not be a bitch about it and tough it out. Matter of fact, call me a bitch, cause if you were in my shoes, you'd feel the same way.

Listen to:

Copeland-Beneath Medicine Tree

I have come to really like this album in recent months.

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