Sunday, July 5, 2009

Let's Recap...

Here's how my week was...

Mon. 6/29: skated in 100 degree weather, somehow damaged my foot.
Tues. 6/30: made an attempt to skate, failed; went gambling, became $15 richer, stoked.
Wed. 7/1: chilled with a good friend of mine (went out to eat, sang some songs, played pool, hit the pipe and chilled), had a pretty good time actually.
Thurs. 7/2: still hurt, didn't do shit.
Fri. 7/3: again made an attempt to skate, again failed.
Sat. 7/4: bbq, drunk, fireworks, poolside, drunk again and a half-a-step from getting laid.
Sun. 7/5: typing this shit up.

hopefully this week can be better...

Listen to:

Blink-182-The Mark, Tom, and Travis Show (The Enema Strikes Back)
*the greatest live cd ever made, just so you know.

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