"There once was a fearsome warrior named Takeru. He was the greatest samurai in the empire. He did not fear no man, no thing. He was honest, noble, and brave. Those who did him or anyone wrong suffered the consequences. But on one cold, dark night, he saw his childhood friend, beaten and bruised, by a gang of local yakuza. Angered and pissed-the-fuck-off, he swore revenge against those who were involved. He would get his revenge 2 nights later, when he confronted the gang by himself. The gang was no match for Takeru. One-by-one, the gang savagely beaten with ease. Still angered but not willing to kill, Takeru spared the gang their lives, letting them live the rest of their lives as weak, selfless, cowards. However, like Takeru, the gang swore revenge on him and only him. Realizing they are no match for Takeru, the gang hires Hidari, the shogun's decpaitator. He has cut off the heads of 131 lords. Never has he failed in killing anyone he was sent to kill. Needless to say, he was a gnarly fuckin ninja. His next victim... Takeru. Upon returning home one evening, Takeru sees a dark, shadow figure creeping upon him. Appraoching the corner, he waits. As he peaked his head around the corner, an arrow skims pass his face. He sees who shot the arrow... Hidari. Hidari continues to shot but Takeru dodges every arrow he shoots. With no more arrows, Hidari draws his sword. Takeru, now knowing he's marked for death, draws his as well. Hidari, believing this would be an easy kill, underestimated the skill of Takeru, finally realizing... Takeru is a gnarly fuckin ninja as well. With each step, they are coming closer and closer to each other until finally seeing eye. And right before the battle begins....."
I just so happen to wake up! It pisses me off that I always wake-up from a dream right when it is about to get pretty fuckin gnarly. Cuz if you were to ask me, that would had been one hell of a fight. And I ruined it, most likely never knowing what would had happen.
Friday 4/3: I wore a hoody for the last possible time til late october. I will miss winter. (no real importance)
Sunday 4/5: spend a total of 4 hours completing 11 pages worth of accounting homework (9 of those pages was one single problem). spend another hour making a study sheet of management exam.
Monday 4/6: After turning in those 11 pages, I get assigned another 7 more. Add studying for an hour for mgt. exam and small bus. mgt. key test.
Tuesday 4/7 (today): Assigned mgt. report due on 9th. Hey, let's also work on the mgt. research report this week since I totally have nothing to do. Better yet, say fuck me and give me a 50 question take home test for SBM which 30 questions will not be in the book. If you really want to make it sweet, give me another take home test on thursday as well.
Wednesday 4/8 (I can predict the future): After turning in those 7 pages of accounting that I couldn't finish, give me 8 more pages to do over the weekend, since I have that all down and shit.
Thursday 4/9 (seriously, I'm a fuckin psychic): turn in my mgt. report that I typed and printed out 15 min. before class. And in case you didn't know, imma get another exam to take home for SBM, only this time 25 questions won't be found in the book. Oh yeah, that research report thing as well.
So, if you studied you math last night, that would mean from the 5th up until 12th, I will have done 26 pages of accounting homework, one mgt. report, maybe completed the first 50 question exam, half of my research report part done, studied for one exam and word-perfect key test, and eaten one burrito.
Holy freakin shit dude. The worst week of school yet.
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